What y'all bin up to? I was on the road with Mitt fer awhile. Dick don't like him much..but there weren't much to work with this time round. Hell, we thought bout gitting GW to come back fer a another go round at the Big House but he said he's happier not being the
Dick can't do it either since he got his new heart. Since he got the new ticker, well, we bin plenty busy..iffin ya know what I mean.
I've also bin at the hospital with GHB ..when Babs ain't there I bring him some pork rinds and PBR...I tell ya that diet they had him on was killin' him. A little Jack Daniels in his IV and he perked up right away!!
So as I was sayin' I was hangin' with Mitt. He ain't much fun. He don't drink, he don't play nekkid twister and he sure ain't got Dick's personality. Nope, he ain't no Dick. Now, his V.P. Paul Ryan - now he's kind of a Dick. He's strong, bullheaded and probably would be great at running the country as
Well, I gotta go git Bohener off his fiscal cliff before he jumps.
I didn't realize how much i missed until just now! Welcome back Furline!